Remarkable Project

It aims to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas by leveraging the Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning (ML) technologies. This Remarkable project has a particular focus on Africa, where rural areas face significant connectivity challenges.

Remarkable Project with Beyond Vision
aims to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas by leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) technologies. This project has a particular focus on Africa, where rural areas face significant connectivity challenges.
Remarkable Project with Beyond Vision


Project Goals and Vision

The project’s primary goal is to make IoT and ML systems more accessible, energy-efficient, and secure in rural areas. It involves deploying IoT sensors connected through a wide-area network and sending data to an AI decision support tool that uses decentralized federated learning methods to provide insights.

The Remarkable project’s vision encompasses environmental monitoring and conservation in deep rural areas, including applications such as wildlife management, rural tourism, and pollution control.

Secure and Trustworthy IoT

This objective involves developing a secure and robust IoT platform suitable for rural environments, including lightweight ML methods for security and anomaly detection.

Improved Device Localization

Enhancing device localization beyond GPS, using sensors and wireless signals from aerial platforms while ensuring security against potential attacks.

ML-based Algorithms

Designing frugal ML algorithms that require minimal resources for rural IoT platforms, customized for different use cases.

Digital Twin Models

Creating digital twin models for rural IoT devices to simulate digital system representations, reducing deployment costs and exploring new use cases.


Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

The Remarkable project aims to foster collaboration between various research groups, both from the European Union (EU) and non-EU countries.

Networking activities, secondments, and PhD programs will facilitate long-term research collaborations. Knowledge transfer will be promoted through student exchange programs, industrial PhD training, and internships.

Scientific, Societal, and Economic Impact

Environmental and Societal Impact

It will enable livestock and wildlife monitoring, agronomy and soil management, environmental health monitoring, and contribute to reducing carbon emissions.

Impact on Future Research

The interdisciplinary nature of the project will lead to new scientific achievements and innovations in smart sensing, IoT, and data science technology, benefiting academic and research communities.

Economic Impact

The project has significant economic potential, with industrial engagement in sensor design, IoT, ML/AI, drone applications, and improvements in computation resource management, benefiting sensor developers, the drone industry, data analytics industry, and the animal health industry.

The REMARKABLE project aspires to create a sustainable platform for sharing knowledge and skills, bridging the urban-rural gap, and empowering rural communities with new economic opportunities while addressing pressing environmental concerns.


As part of REMARKABLE’s project commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the project will host a series of networking events encompassing:

Research Training

Providing essential knowledge across a multidisciplinary spectrum of ICT technologies in environmental monitoring, with a focus on IoT and ML tools and applications.

Complementary Training

Equipping researchers, particularly young talents, with transversal skills to advance their careers, fostering innovation skills and potential startup ventures.

Integration Sessions

Facilitating the integration of end-to-end IoT and ML applications in rural areas, accelerating the development and deployment of selected use cases.

Demonstration Sessions

Encouraging active involvement in prototyping and demonstration, with a focus on producing relevant data sets, essential for experimentation and progress.


As part of REMARKABLE’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the project will host a series of networking events encompassing:

Research Training

Providing essential knowledge across a multidisciplinary spectrum of ICT technologies in environmental monitoring, with a focus on IoT and ML tools and applications.

Complementary Training

Equipping researchers, particularly young talents, with transversal skills to advance their careers, fostering innovation skills and potential startup ventures.

Integration Sessions

Facilitating the integration of end-to-end IoT and ML applications in rural areas, accelerating the development and deployment of selected use cases.

Demonstration Sessions

Encouraging active involvement in prototyping and demonstration, with a focus on producing relevant data sets, essential for experimentation and progress.

A Nexus of Innovation


Lusófona University

March 20 - March 22, 2023

From March 20 to March 22, 2023, Lusófona University hosted the 6th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (CIoT’2023). The event featured an impressive lineup of keynote speakers, invited experts, expert panels, and interactive sessions. Topics ranged from “Smart Cities, Traffic, and Vehicles” to “IoT Middleware and Services,” “IoT for Health Sector,” and more. The REMARKABLE team seized this opportunity to hold their inaugural hybrid meeting, fostering collaboration among partners from Portugal, Serbia, Spain, and South Africa.

March 20 - March 22, 2023

Lusófona University

A Nexus of Innovation


From March 20 to March 22, 2023, Lusófona University hosted the 6th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (CIoT’2023). The event featured an impressive lineup of keynote speakers, invited experts, expert panels, and interactive sessions. Topics ranged from “Smart Cities, Traffic, and Vehicles” to “IoT Middleware and Services,” “IoT for Health Sector,” and more. The REMARKABLE team seized this opportunity to hold their inaugural hybrid meeting, fostering collaboration among partners from Portugal, Serbia, Spain, and South Africa.

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