5G Mobilizer Project

It aims to be an instrument for the development and innovation of technology.
5go mobilizer
It aims to be an instrument for the development and innovation of technology.
5go mobilizer

Mobilisateur 5G

À propos du projet

The purpose of the mobilizing project is to investigate, build, validate, and demonstrate a collection of products that can be part of and offer services within the scope of future 5G mobilizer networks.

This will aid in bringing together and coordinating the actions of numerous national agencies operating in the telecom industry, as well as facilitating the development of novel solutions for the worldwide market. In turn, these solutions will enable the exploration of B2B and B2C models while fostering innovation, progress, and growth.
By leveraging the power of future networks, our aim is to develop cutting-edge solutions that cater to the global market’s demands. In doing so, we will delve deeper into the various forms of business models and their applicability.

Moreover, we will also be looking into the latest technological advancements in the telecom industry to ensure our solutions are future-proof.

Emergency Drone

Fast response drone with the ability to generate communication bridges.

Patrol UAV

Easily patrol a given area and transmit information via 5G.

Touristic Drone

Live streaming of the flight with a 360º camera, using technology to improve the user experience.

Des produits efficaces

Découvrez comment nos produits sont utilisés et comment ils contribuent à une variété de projets.

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