Quality Policy

Last updated 06/08/2024
For more information, please contact info@beyond-vision.com.
BV’s Quality Policy is governed by the following principles:
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction by complying with product and service requirements as well as legal requirements;

  • To base its relations with its suppliers on a logic of partnership, considering them an integral part of the Management System and maintaining a continuous evaluation and qualification of the services provided;

  • Evaluate suppliers for compliance with the technical and commercial requirements of our orders, as well as for their ability to respond to Technical Assistance Requests;

  • Involving all employees in the Management System, being attentive to their needs;

  • Ensuring information security and the protection of personal data, safeguarding the rights and duties defined by the legislation in force;

  • Systematically evaluating the results of the implementation of its Management System, keeping all activities running in accordance with the established procedures, continually improving the effectiveness of the System.

The Quality Policy is made available to interested parties whenever requested.

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