Livraison du drone Marktschwalbe

How We Address Rural Connectivity Challenges Within the Marktschwalbe Project

Beyond Vision is driving significant improvements in access to essential goods and rural logistics. With the launch of the Marktschwalbe project in Brandenburg, in the town of Wusterhausen/Dosse, the company is introducing an innovative drone-based system to bridge the gap between remote rural communities and urban centers.

Practically, this means that residents in remote areas will have essential supplies, such as food and household items, delivered directly to them, eliminating the need for long-distance travel. Supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and developed with Luftlabor and Dronegy, use of drones streamlines the delivery process, minimizing the time and effort required to reach these underserved locations.

Challenge 1: Limited Access to Essential Goods in Rural Areas

Rural communities face significant challenges in accessing basic goods and services. Over the past decades, the number of small local businesses in Germany has declined, creating a scarcity of convenient shopping options in rural areas. This has been particularly detrimental for regions like Wusterhausen/Dosse, where populations are sparse, and the infrastructure for regular goods distribution is lacking. Without easy access to local markets, residents are forced to travel long distances to meet their daily needs, which can be costly and time-consuming.

The Solution: Drone-Based Delivery System

To address this growing challenge, Beyond Vision, in collaboration with its partners, has developed a drone-based delivery system. The Marktschwalbe project aims to connect remote villages with urban centers by using advanced drones to deliver essential goods from nearby markets. This solution is focused primarily on three districts—Barsikow, Trieplatz, and Blankenberg—where populations are low, and access to services is limited. With this project, Beyond Vision ensures regular, reliable access to goods, significantly improving the quality of life for rural residents.

Challenge 2: Inefficient Rural Logistics

Rural logistics in regions like Wusterhausen/Dosse often suffer from inefficiency due to the challenging terrain and the absence of optimized infrastructure. Traditional delivery methods are not well-suited for reaching remote areas quickly and cost-effectively, leaving rural residents disconnected from essential supplies. The difficulty in traversing these regions with conventional transportation solutions exacerbates this problem, creating a pressing need for an alternative logistics system.

The Solution: Advanced Drone Technology

The Marktschwalbe project relies on Beyond Vision’s hexacopter drones, designed to efficiently handle the challenges of rural logistics. With the ability to carry up to 3 kg of cargo over a 12-kilometer radius, these drones have proved ideal for delivering food and other essentials to remote communities. A centralized Droneport in Wusterhausen/Dosse serves as the hub where orders are received, processed, and dispatched.

Furthermore, the drones are integrated with a 5G network, allowing real-time communication and precise operational control. This ensures that deliveries are made accurately and efficiently, minimizing errors and maximizing service reliability. The innovative use of drones also sets a new standard for rural logistics, enabling quick and dependable deliveries to regions that have long been underserved.

Challenge 3: Lack of Community Involvement in Technological Initiatives

One of the common challenges in implementing new technology in rural areas is gaining community trust and involvement. Many technological projects fail because they do not consider the local community’s concerns and preferences. Without proper collaboration with local authorities and residents, technological innovations may face resistance or fail to meet the actual needs of the population.

The Solution: Advanced Drone Technology

From the outset, the Marktschwalbe project has emphasized close collaboration with local authorities and citizens. Beyond Vision and its partner Luftlabor have actively engaged with the community, ensuring that the project aligns with local needs and preferences. This cooperative approach has fostered an environment of trust, which has been crucial for the success of the project.

The first drone delivery in June 2024 was eagerly anticipated by the local community, making a significant impact on rural logistics. The continuous collaboration with local stakeholders will be vital as the project evolves, ensuring it remains responsive to community needs and concerns.

Challenge 4: Economic Barriers to Service Accessibility

Rural areas often experience higher poverty rates, which can limit residents’ ability to access new services, particularly those involving advanced technology. Ensuring that these services are affordable and equitable is a significant challenge when deploying new technology in economically disadvantaged regions.

The Solution: Inclusive and Affordable Services

Beyond Vision has taken steps to ensure that the drone delivery service is accessible to everyone, regardless of income level. A fair pricing system has been implemented to ensure that residents from all economic backgrounds can benefit from this innovative service. By addressing the issue of affordability, Beyond Vision has created a solution that is not only technologically advanced but also socially inclusive.

Challenge 5: Environmental Impact of Rural Logistics

Traditional logistics systems contribute to environmental degradation, particularly in rural areas where long-distance transportation is often necessary to access goods and services. These transportation methods increase carbon emissions and put a strain on both natural resources and the environment, necessitating a shift to more sustainable delivery models.

The Solution: Sustainable Drone Technology

The Marktschwalbe project is a step toward more sustainable logistics solutions. By using drones for deliveries, the need for vehicles that contribute to carbon emissions through long-distance travel is reduced. The drones, powered by electric energy, provide a greener alternative, helping to conserve the environment while maintaining a reliable supply chain for rural communities.

Watch the news related to the project on the German channel ARD Mediathek

Challenge 6: Limited Scalability and Future Expansion

Many technological solutions are limited in scope, serving only small regions or specific communities without scalability. For initiatives like the Marktschwalbe project to make a lasting impact, they must be able to expand beyond their initial deployment areas and adapt to new challenges as they arise.

The Solution: A Vision for Future Expansion

Beyond Vision sees the Marktschwalbe project as a blueprint for future expansion. The experience gained from implementing this drone-based delivery system in Wusterhausen/Dosse will guide future projects, both in Germany and globally. By continuously refining its technology and operations, the company aims to expand the reach of its services to other rural areas facing similar logistical challenges. The project has already attracted attention from various organizations interested in adopting drone technology to revolutionize rural logistics in other regions.

Conclusion: A New Era of Rural Connectivity

The Marktschwalbe project marks a new chapter in rural connectivity, offering a transformative solution to the challenges of logistics in remote areas. The use of advanced drone technology, combined with a focus on sustainability, community involvement, and fairness, makes the project stand out and paves the way for a better future for rural communities in Germany and beyond.


The Marktschwalbe project, involving Beyond Vision in collaboration with Luftlabor and Dronegy, addresses rural connectivity and logistics challenges in the Brandenburg town of Wusterhausen/Dosse. Supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the initiative uses drone technology to deliver essential goods like food and household items to remote communities, significantly improving access for rural residents. The project tackles several challenges: limited access to goods, inefficient logistics, community engagement, economic barriers, environmental sustainability, and scalability.

Advanced hexacopter drones, connected through a 5G network, carry supplies across remote areas, providing a reliable, eco-friendly alternative to traditional delivery methods. Community involvement and affordable pricing ensure widespread acceptance and accessibility, while sustainability is achieved through electric-powered drones, reducing carbon emissions. Marktschwalbe’s success in Wusterhausen/Dosse sets the stage for future expansion, potentially transforming rural logistics across Germany and globally.

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Questions liées

What is the Marktschwalbe Project?
The Marktschwalbe Project is an initiative launched in Wusterhausen/Dosse, Brandenburg, to improve access to essential goods in rural areas through a drone-based delivery system. This project aims to connect remote communities with nearby markets, reducing the need for long-distance travel to obtain necessary supplies.
How does the drone-based delivery system work?
Residents in remote areas can order goods such as food and household items via an internet platform or phone. A dispatcher collects these orders and transports them to a Droneport, where they are loaded into drones. The drones then deliver the items to central landing spots in the villages, from where residents can collect their deliveries.
What challenges does the Marktschwalbe Project address?

The project addresses several challenges:

  • Limited access to essential goods: It provides a solution to the scarcity of local shopping options.
  • Inefficient rural logistics: It overcomes issues related to difficult terrain and inadequate infrastructure.
  • Lack of community involvement: It ensures local input and collaboration to align the service with community needs.
  • Economic barriers: It offers a fair pricing system to make the service accessible to all income levels.
  • Environmental impact: It reduces carbon emissions compared to traditional delivery methods.
  • Scalability: It aims to create a model that can be expanded to other regions.
What technology is used in the project?
The project uses hexacopter drones equipped with 5G technology for real-time communication and precise control. These drones can carry up to 3 kg of cargo over a 12-kilometer radius and operate from a central Droneport in Wusterhausen/Dosse.
How does the project involve the community?
From the beginning, the project has actively engaged with local authorities and residents to ensure it meets their needs and preferences. This collaboration has fostered trust and support for the initiative.
Is the service affordable for everyone?
Yes, the project has implemented a fair pricing system to ensure that residents from all economic backgrounds can benefit from the drone delivery service. This approach aims to make the service equitable and accessible.
What environmental benefits does the project offer?
The project promotes sustainability by using electric-powered drones, which reduce the need for carbon-emitting vehicles for long-distance transportation. This helps lower overall carbon emissions and supports environmental conservation.
How can other communities get involved or benefit from this technology?
Communities interested in adopting similar drone-based logistics solutions can explore partnerships with Beyond Vision and its technology partners. The Marktschwalbe Project’s success serves as a case study for the potential of drone technology to address rural connectivity challenges.




Quadcoptère à voilure fixe


Logiciel de contrôle à distance


Station de base fixe - GPS

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